Wonderful Times - Issue 13

Our inspiration

Each Month we shine the spotlight on one of our Inspirational People. This month we introduce you to one of our Trustees, Mitch.

Mitchell Gowing, one of our Trustees has inspired everyone at Wonderful Life Academy with his strength, determination and his amazing attitude since he was diagnosed with Cancer in January 2023.


Mitch has worked for Greater Manchester Police for several years and was one of the many Frontline workers who continued to serve us all throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. Being a frontline worker, Mitch has always been a massive supporter of Wonderful Life Academy and the work that we do. Mitch has completed our annual fundraising Marathon walk, The Don’t Run Before You Can Walk Marathon, every year since we first started and has raised hundreds of pounds for our charity in doing so. Last year we were delighted to welcome Mitch to our Board of Trustees where he continues to serve us and help us to provide our service to as many people as possible.

In January of this year Mitch was diagnosed with Cancer. He had been suffering with stomach problems for months and like many of us had struggled to get GP appointments and the investigations into his symptoms and getting a diagnosis was delayed because of this. On January 12th Mitch went to A&E with what appeared to be an attack of Bells Palsy. After some pushing for answers and a determination to get to the bottom of the symptoms he was experiencing Mitch was diagnosed with B-cell, High Grade Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. At this point Mitch had a massive tumour in his abdominal cavity measuring 16cm by 16cm.

Mitch was immediately admitted to Oldham Royal Infirmary where he began the most intensive course of chemotherapy that the doctors could give him. This meant that Mitch would have to be treated as an in-patient and would spend the next six months in hospital.  
Mitch’s attitude towards both the devastating news of his cancer but also the prospect of 6 spending six months in an isolation room in hospital was inspirational. His mindset was one of ‘I will do whatever I have to do and beat this one day at a time”.  None of Mitch’s family and friends were prepared for just how brutal the course of chemotherapy would be and just how tough Mitch would have to be just to survive. Mitch showed the same determination and positivity every day throughout his treatment and was finally cancer free by the end of June. 

Unfortunately for Mitch it didn’t end there. Due to the severity of his chemotherapy treatment, Mitch needed to have a bone marrow transplant. This entailed further high dose chemotherapy, stem cell harvesting and another month in hospital. Once again Mitch demonstrated an amazing strength and determiation to get through this and on 31st July Mitch finally came home from hospital and began his recovery back to full health.

“It's Inspiring, what you are doing for others".

A really thought provoking session. Made me stop and think about how I am looking after myself. Also great to think about people who inspire you and how they would deal with a situation.....It's inspiring what you are doing for others....and the thought of that makes me want to be better.
'Morrisons Team member'

Latest News

Talk and Walk.

It’s been a while since our newsletter and so much has happened in that time that it would take all day to update you on everything. So we will just update you on the most recent stuff that is happening at Wonderful Life Academy. 

In July we commenced our latest Talk and Walk well-being workshops. The workshops are a combination of our usual wellbeing group workshop with a walk in the local area to encourage individuals to do something physical and experience what their area has to offer. Our recent Talk and Walk workshops in Whitefield were hugely successful and we hope to have the same impact in Radcliffe!


Our Latest Charity Shop

July saw the opening of our lates Charity Shop in Bolton. Our new shop is in the indoor market which opens on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. We have a plethora of items for sale including Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing, Handbags, footwear, toys and lots of household items. We have lots of plans to open more shops to help us raise funds and keep our service available to everyone. Watch out for more news coming soon!

Motivation Collection


How to do something spiritual – examples for your 5-a day

These simple examples of Spiritual exercises are great to share with your group, especially when individuals are finding difficult to connect with something on a spiritual level. You can simply signpost these examples to your group or practice them as part of a workshop or wellbeing walk.



Direction meditation

Sit in a quiet or peaceful place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Say the following words either to yourself or out loud (whichever feels right for you)

I do not know which way to go

I feel powerless to choose between the options before me

Let me find the wisdom to see the right path for me

And the courage to follow it.


Rest meditation

Sit in a quiet or peaceful place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Say the following words either to yourself or out loud (whichever feels right for you)

I am so tired

Let me rest

Renew my energy

Help me to face the day.


Peace meditation

Sit in a quiet or peaceful place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Say the following words either to yourself or out loud (whichever feels right for you)

Let me send peace to the world

Peace to this country

Peace to my friends and my community

Peace to my family and my loved ones

Let me find peace and let me to give it to others.


Inner Peace meditation

Sit in a quiet or peaceful place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Say the following words either to yourself or out loud (whichever feels right for you)

 My mind is restless and my heart is troubled

I am worried, stressed and fearful.

Let me find inner peace and take away my fear.


Family meditation

Sit in a quiet or peaceful place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Say the following words either to yourself or out loud (whichever feels right for you)

 Send Love to my family

Keep them safe, protect them,

give them happiness

and care for all their needs.


 Justice meditation

Sit in a quiet or peaceful place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Say the following words either to yourself or out loud (whichever feels right for you)

 I see injustice, inequality and intolerance all around me.

Let me make things right.

Let me find courage to fight for justice and to stand up for the weak.

To speak up for the ignored and to support the poor and the hungry.

Let me treat others as I would like to be treated.


Environment meditation

Sit in a quiet or peaceful place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Say the following words either to yourself or out loud (whichever feels right for you)

 The world is wonderful

Let me acknowledge the harm we have done

Let me have the courage to speak,

The strength to make sacrifices

And the will to change

Let my actions heal the world



When out in a public place notice strangers around you.

Silently wish them well and wish good things for them.

Notice the good in people.



Take a moment to sit still and take slow deep breaths.

As you breath in think of the things you can be grateful for. Good parts of your day, things that you enjoy, things you find beautiful, acts of kindness. Breathe in the good thoughts and be grateful for them.

As you breathe out think of the negative things in your life. The frustrations, the worries, the hurt. Breathe out the negative thoughts and let go of them.



Go for a walk and be mindful of all of the sights and sounds around you. Marvel at the wonder of nature or the magnificence of architecture. Maybe walk around your home or workplace and really pay attention to it. Notice all of the things you take for granted.

Be grateful for the wonderful world around you or for the roof over your head or the place to work and provide for your family etc.

Next Issue:

  • Focus on Our Volunteers
  • Latest News– Fundraisers for 2023
  • Takeaway– Resilience
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